MYTHS DEBUNKED: Animal VS. Plant Based Diets!

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Last week, we wrote to you all about the key differences between an animal-based and plant-based diet, how human physiology is originally that of a herbivore and the ugly truth behind animal-based foods. 

Now, psychology speaks of how we all have a confirmation bias. 

What that means is, our mind likes to stay in a safe territory where it confirms it’s preconceived notions and beliefs. 

Have a look at your bookshelf for example, most books you read are only there to confirm more of what you already know. 

In the same way, your mind also fears change. It fears to step into the unknown and it definitely fears accepting new beliefs that challenge what it has always believed. 

And so we concluded on the obvious, many of you would have read all the straight-up facts that we had proposed to you, as to why a plant-based diet is the better choice for your health. 

But you may still be hesitant and resistant in letting go of your beliefs of why you’re still choosing to eat your chicken, roasting your beef, and having a weekend dedicated solely to your pork steak. 

We can hear some of you saying these statements out loud:

“Oh but I need the egg and I need the chicken for my protein” 

“There’s no way I’m gaining those muscles by eating plants.”

“Plants are for the weak, real men eat meat.”

So we’re back again, to debunk all the myths your mind may be popping in your head just so you don’t let go of old patterns. 

And we promise to keep coming back again and again until we finally get the most stubborn tool in our bodies, i.e., the mind, to adapt to new habits and shed the destructive behaviors of the past. 



Well, where do you think the animals get their protein from? 

Chicken, Beef, Pork are all herbivores getting their protein from plants. So essentially all protein originates from plants, animals are only and only the middlemen. 

Fun fact: Research has proved that a plant-eater gets 76% more protein than they need. 

Now instead of us trying our luck to outshine plants using animal foods, the truth is quite the opposite. It’s really the meat that's incomplete. Coming back to a topic we’ve earlier discussed...VITAMIN C. This nutrient is crucial for our health, and the growth, development, and repair of our body’s tissues. 

So when you think about it, it's kind of silly to single out protein, which is just one of the many nutrients, only so we can declare plant proteins to be incomplete (although as proved in the point below, they’re not).

Why aren't we declaring meat to be an incomplete vitamin then? 

Because it is, as you know. 

For example, beef is completely devoid of Vitamin C, an essential nutrient without which you'd die. And beef doesn't just have a lower level of this essential nutrient, it has downright zero. 

So why didn't the authorities ever caution us that we need to combine various foods to get a complete vitamin?

But to your surprise, no combination of meat will make a complete vitamin, since every single kind of common meat has zero Vitamin C. 

And not just that, meat is deficient in other vitamins as well. 

Concluding that though wrongly assumed, plants are not actually deficient in protein, but meat is definitely deficient in vitamins. 

But I'm sure you never heard about vitamin deficiency in animal foods.  All we've heard about is the supposed deficiency of protein in plants which is far from the truth.

Food for thought: The above point really makes us wonder why the truth is being hidden from us by the food industries, do they really profit from our health going down the drain? 


We all know proteins are strings of amino acids. But a fallacy and the biggest myth is that plants don’t have all the amino acids including the 9 essential that our bodies can’t make, so they’re not complete proteins and that’s why they’re perceived to be inferior to animal proteins.

But allow us to bust another myth: every single plant, yes every single one, comprises of all 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential. 

And some plants are the ultimate winners that are complete proteins, just like Hemp itself, having a proper balance of all these amino acids. 

Conversely, animal-based protein brands such as Whey protein often indulge in amino acid spiking that’s commonly discussed within the fitness industry. 

They add empty amino acids into their labeling to boost their amino acid profile. These have zero positive effects on the human body, and the sad bit is that a consumer has no way of finding out about it either. 

But well, that’s a whole topic for another day itself. 


Unlike the common belief, research has proved that Vitamin B12 is not made by animals, they’re again just the middlemen. 

Instead, it’s a vitamin made by bacteria in the soil and water, which the animals then consume. 

We used to earlier get our source of Vitamin B12 from traces of dirt from plant food or water from streams. But antibiotics and fertilizers now kill these bacteria in the soil, so even animals don’t have them, and they too need supplements. 

Fun fact: 39% of the population, including meat-eaters, are actually low in B12. So this is one essential nutrient that not just us, but even the animals NEED supplements for. 


-said almost every bodybuilder ever. 

The largest land animals in the world, i.e. elephants, are exclusively vegetarian. They grow up to 10,000 pounds by eating nothing but plant matter. 

Which keeps us from stating the obvious, they couldn't grow so big if plants weren't loaded with protein, well duh right? 

Now you may protest this by saying "But we're not elephants!"

So if you’re meaning to suggest that elephants don't need protein, you’re wrong: Every living creature on the planet does. Elephants don't have some magical superpower which allows them to live and grow without eating protein. They need it, eat it, and use it, just like everyone and everything else.

Okay, maybe we got you wrong. So perhaps your point was that elephants utilize protein differently?  

Ah, wrong again. 

All protein, whether plant or animal, is broken down into the individual amino acids before the body uses it.  And that goes for anybody, elephant, human, or otherwise.

Okay excuse us for misunderstanding, but maybe your idea was that elephants get enough protein from plants only because they eat so much more?  

Sorry again, but that’s wrong too. 

Because once you adjust for body weight, elephants eat less than we do. 

(Whaaa, are we serious? Haha, yes we very much are. Mind-blowing, isn’t it?)

As per research, per 45 kgs. of body weight, humans eat about 1.3 kgs of food per day, while elephants eat only 0.8 kgs. 

And elephants aren't the only huge vegetarian animals roaming the planet. 

Let’s not forget about the gorillas (who we share 99% of our DNA with), horses, camels, giraffes, elk, rhinos, cattle, and more. 

And clearly these animals could wreck us up in just one push. So if these massive animals are eating only plants, then obviously plants have more than sufficient protein. 

Well, we could go on and on, but we’re afraid that this may have changed a lot of your minds, so we’ll end it here for today to let you reflect on your dietary habits, and we’ll come back soon again on more news, research and scientific findings of more mind-boggling stuff.

We as a brand promise to educate first, before anything else. 

We highly believe that any permanent change in lifestyle and health is brought about after a change in mindset first. 

We want to simply ensure you lead a healthy life, but the decision solely lies in your hands. This is just our take on making you more and more conscious of your choices, for yourself. 

So of course, we don’t want to choke you by forcing a diet down your throat. 

As mentioned earlier, we’re aware that we as humans resist change. So you might be resisting acceptance of these facts as they might challenge your beliefs to a strong extent. 

And so we’re not going to tell you to completely quit on your non-veg diet, the choice always lies in your hands. 

After all, you are the creator of your own health and lifestyle. 

Instead, we’re just going to request you to chill it with the meat a little and reflect on the changes it brings about in your health for yourself. 

Did you know 3 weeks is all it takes to notice massive changes, so do you have it within you to make the trade-off for just 21 days? 

And post that, if you still believe that the chicken in your diet is the one that’s doing you more good than bad, then you have the freedom to take that call. 

But first, we urge you to try and test it out so you can be the scientist of your own findings!

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