Is CBD the Miracle Cure You've Been Waiting For?

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In recent years, CBD, short for cannabidiol, has taken the wellness world by storm. People everywhere are turning to this natural compound to manage a variety of health issues. From easing anxiety to relieving chronic pain, CBD promises a world of benefits without the high associated with its cousin, THC.

You’ve likely heard the buzz—CBD is touted as a wonder compound with potential solutions for nearly everything. But amidst all this excitement, a crucial question arises: Is CBD truly delivering its promised benefits, or is it just another overhyped trend? This article dives deep into what CBD is, how it works, and what the latest research says about its potential to enhance our well-being. Let’s begin our exploration!

So, let’s begin with our investigation….

Understanding CBD

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a natural compound found within the cannabis plant. In stark contrast to its close relative, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not possess psychoactive properties, meaning it won't induce a "high" when consumed. 

This fundamental distinction has made CBD an attractive option for those seeking the potential therapeutic benefits of cannabis without the intoxicating side effects. Instead of altering consciousness, CBD is believed to offer a wide spectrum of potential health advantages. These range from alleviating pain and reducing anxiety to improving sleep and even possibly addressing neurodegenerative conditions. 

Its non-psychoactive nature has also led to its use in various wellness and healthcare products, inviting individuals to explore its potential without the concerns of mind-altering effects commonly associated with THC.

The Effects of CBD

CBD's effectiveness and potential benefits stem from its interaction with a crucial system in our bodies known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system plays a pivotal role in maintaining balance and regulating a wide array of physiological processes, including but not limited to pain perception, mood, immune response, and even sleep patterns.

CBD doesn't directly attach to the receptors in the ECS, unlike its psychoactive counterpart, THC. Instead, CBD acts indirectly by influencing these receptors and modulating their activity. It can enhance the ECS's natural ability to maintain balance, promoting overall well-being.

The Benefits of CBD

Pain Management: One of the most widely recognized benefits of CBD is its potential to alleviate pain. Many individuals have reported relief from chronic pain conditions, including arthritis, neuropathic pain, and even migraines when using CBD products.

Anxiety and Depression: CBD has gained popularity as a natural remedy for anxiety and depression. Research suggests that it may interact with serotonin receptors in the brain, helping to regulate mood and reduce symptoms of these mental health disorders.

Sleep Disorders: CBD is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system, making it potentially helpful for individuals struggling with insomnia or other sleep disorders. Some users report improved sleep quality after using CBD products.

Epilepsy: Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication, has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of certain types of epilepsy. This highlights CBD's potential in managing seizure disorders.

Neuroprotective Properties: There is ongoing research into CBD's neuroprotective properties, which could have implications for conditions like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Anti-Inflammatory: CBD is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties, which could be beneficial in reducing inflammation associated with various diseases, including autoimmune disorders.

Research Evidence

  • In 2017, a study revealed that CBD could serve as a secure and beneficial treatment choice for joint pain linked to osteoarthritis.
  • In 2016, a study demonstrated that the topical application of CBD exhibited promise in mitigating pain and inflammation linked to arthritis.
  • According to the research published in The Journals of Gerontology 2017, daily increases in sleep quality and decreases in stress interacted to predict higher daily positive affect and lower daily negative affect. Better sleep quality in older adults enhanced the benefits of positive affect on the stress–negative affect relationship more during times of low stress, whereas better sleep in younger adults enhanced the benefits of positive affect more during times of high stress. Between-person effects were stronger predictors of well-being outcomes than within-person variability.
  • A comprehensive review in 2014, examining studies, concluded that CBD holds promise as an effective approach for treating osteoarthritis.
  • In 2011, a study discovered that CBD contributed to the reduction of inflammatory pain in rats by influencing the responsiveness of pain receptors to stimuli.

Cases at India Hemp Organics

These are some clinical case studies that signify the use of CannaBliss full-spectrum CBD oil in relieving different health problems such as pain in inflammatory disorders, migraines, muscle soreness etc.

Case Description: Migraine

Age: 29-year-old Male 

Occupation: Business Owner 

Weight: 75 kg 

Height: 5.11 height

Complaints: Severe migraine headaches.  

The headaches had been occurring for 7 years. They used to appear almost daily with no relief through OTC painkillers. 

Migraines left him incapacitated. He was unable to open his eyes and talk during the episodes. 

While napping provided some relief, treatment of any kind [Ayurvedic, allopathic, homeopathic] had failed to help him. Stress was often a trigger for the episodes.

Further Description of Complaints:

  • When asked about his pain score, he mentioned that they were frequently between 8 and 10. A lot of his headaches remained at a 10 on the pain scale for more than a day. 
  • His examination concluded that his appetite, urine, and bowels were normal. However, his sleep was disturbed. While he did manage to sleep for 5 to 6 hours a night, he would consistently wake up at least once a night. 
  • His lifestyle included junk food in his diet and alcohol once or twice a night. 


The patient was diagnosed to be suffering from Migraine/Sooryavartha after investigation. 

Treatment Plan 

The following treatment protocol was followed for treating the migraine attack by balancing aggravated Vata dosha using Vijaya extract. Also, a diet and lifestyle plan to balance the tridoshas were advised:

  • Adopt healthy dietary habits. Include fresh fruits, and boiled vegetables in your diet. Avoid junk food, soda, and alcohol 
  • Drink 3-4 L of water daily 
  • Practice pranayama - breathing exercises 
  • CannaBliss Pain Relief 15% - twice a day, sublingual for 1 month.


The patient did not get a migraine attack while taking the medicine. Then he stopped the medication for 3 weeks and got a mild headache with a pain score of 3-5, twice on a stressful day. He is asked to continue the  CannaBliss Pain Relief Oil for 2 more months. 

Case Description: Fibromyalgia Pain

Age: 49-year-old female


  • The patient reported chronic body pain, especially on the left side of the body. 
  • The pain was especially felt in the shoulder, neck, left arm, and legs. 
  • Pain score of 8 to 10. 
  • Diagnosed fibromyalgia.

Further Complaints/Description:

  • The patient had tried allopathic medication with no improvement in pain. 
  • The allopathic medication had the side effect of gastritis. 
  • The patient reported irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with gas. 
  • There were also reports of disturbed sleeping patterns, fatigue use, and severe mood swings. 
  • Due to the pain and other symptoms, she was unable to do basic activities and household work.

Treatment plan

The following treatment plan was prescribed to ease the pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia.

CannaBliss Pain Relief 15 % oil - twice a day sublingually. She started by taking 5 drops after breakfast and dinner for the first three days and gradually increased the dose. There was pain relief while taking 1 ml twice a day. So the same dosage continued for the next 30 days. 

Diet Changes Advised:

  • Avoid raw food. Take boiled vegetable soups or boiled salad. 
  • Avoid junk food, alcohol, and a heavy diet, especially at night 
  • Use only warm water for drinking and taking a bath. 
  • Avoid exposure to cold wind/ sitting directly opposite to AC 
  • Rest is advised 
  • Observation

Here are the observations after a month of treatment with CannaBliss Pain Relief: 

  • The pain score came down between 2 and 4. 
  • Improved sleep cycle 
  • Regulated bowel movements
  • Reduced mood swings and irritability 
  • A feeling of lightness in the body 

Case Description: Inflammatory Joint Disorder

Age: 42 year-old-male 

Height: 5.6 ft 

Occupation: Accountant


  • History of pain in both shoulder joints 
  • Upper back and shoulder stiffness 
  • Mild pain in the right hip that radiates to thighs and feet
  • Unable to sit and work for long periods due to pain and stiffness

Further Description

  • History of IBS 
  • IBS was treated with homeopathic medication and lifestyle changes 
  • History of kidney stones being treated with Ayurvedic medicine
  • Raised ESR and CRP levels 
  • No changes in the X-ray results. 

Examination Results: 

Appetite - His appetite is irregular with gas occasionally 

Bowels - Once or twice a day

Sleep - Disturbed 

Urination - Increased frequency. 


The following was the treatment prescribed for inflammatory joint disorder in the patient. 

CannaBliss Pain relief 15 % - started by taking 5 drops after breakfast and dinner for 3 days, then the dosage was increased gradually. He took 8 drops twice a day after breakfast and dinner for 90 days. 

Arthritis Relief Oil - for external application, and massage mildly 

Lifestyle Changes: 

  • Avoid all gassy foods like potatoes, tapioca, yam, etc. 
  • Neck stretch and rotation exercises are to be practiced daily. 
  • Include boiled vegetables and fruits in your diet 
  • Drink 3-4 liters of water per day. 
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol. 


  • Within 30 days, stiffness in the upper back and shoulder reduced considerably. The pain in the shoulders and hip joint also reduced. 
  • Sleep was continuous and not disturbed at night. Bowel movements also improved. 
  • All symptoms improved in 80 days and he doesn't have to take pain relief medications anymore. 

Case description: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Age: 30-year-old male 

Occupation: Athlete

Weight: 75 kg

Height: 5.11 ft


Severe soreness after working out. 

Pain score between 6 to 8 but often goes up to 10 after a leg or shoulder day. 

Remains extremely tired during the day due to the pain.

Further Complaints/Description: 

  • The patient is non-hypertensive, non-diabetic, and non-alcoholic. 
  • He does smoke cigarettes. 
  • He does not want to take over-the-counter medications.

Treatment Plan  

The following treatment plan was prescribed for the DOMS. 

CannaBliss Pain relief - 4 drops, twice a day, for 30 days. Initially, he started with 4 drops and gradually increased the dosage to 6 drops twice a day. 

Apart from taking Medical cannabis extract, some diet and lifestyle recommendations were advised as follows: 

  • Include 1-2 bananas in your diet. 
  • Follow a protein-rich diet. A minimum of 60 grams of protein was recommended. Plant-based hemp protein powder and hemp hearts were also consumed by the patient.
  • Stretch well before starting to exercise. Stretching prevents soreness to some extent. 
  • A hot bath or sauna after a workout. 
  • Cold compress over inflamed muscles or joints was advised 
  • Progress slowly into a new workout routine or exercise. Give enough time for muscle recovery. 
  • Stay hydrated. Drink up to 4-5 L water per day. 


The patient continued the CanaBliss pain relief 15 % oil for 1 year, on his own will, and here are some observations :

  • Muscle soreness is managed effectively and he can train better. 
  • Sleeps deeply
  • Improved mood
  • Enthusiastic and active to do daily activities 
  • Positive mental changes 


It’s evident that CBD, is more than just a trend—it’s a natural remedy with substantial potential. Its non-psychoactive properties and interaction with the endocannabinoid system offer promising solutions for various health concerns, from pain and anxiety to sleep disorders and beyond. 

Always consult with healthcare professionals and use CBD responsibly to explore its benefits for your specific health needs.

Discover how CBD can enhance your life—try it and share your experiences. Together, we can unlock the full potential of this natural wonder! 

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