Most Frequently Asked Questions on Hemp

15 Minute Read

What is Hemp and how is it different from Industrial Hemp?

HEMP is one of the oldest domesticated crops known to man. It is a highly versatile plant which is a stout, aromatic, erect annual herb. The slender cane-like stalks are hollow except at the tip and base. The leaves are compound with a palmate shape, and the flowers are small and greenish-yellow while they are small-seeded. It is a crop belonging to the Cannabis Sativa family. The hemp plant has been cultivated for more than 12,000 years and, while it has great economic significance. In India, this plant’s unique properties were recognized thousands of years ago in the Atharva Veda.

Industrial Hemp, is a species of Cannabis Sativa plant whose by-products serve numerous industrial uses. Hemp is also called the Industrial Hemp which refers to the non-intoxicating (less than 0.3% THC) varieties of Cannabis Sativa L. The stalks of industrial hemp, the kind with low levels of THC can be made into cordage, paper, wax, and cloth for furniture or clothes. Sterilized hemp seeds can be made into oil for shampoo, soap, or body lotion. The edible seeds contain about 30 percent oil and are a source of protein, fiber, and magnesium. Shelled hemp seeds, which are called hemp hearts, are sold as a health food and may be eaten raw.

Does consuming Hemp cause psychoactive behavior or get you “HIGH” or “ADDICTED”?

No. The psychoactive behavior in the human brain is caused by a cannabinoid called THC. Although hemp contains Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a compound that produces psychoactive effects in humans, this variety of Cannabis cultivated in particular has only small amounts of THC (less than 0.3% ), and in essence does not exhibit the sedative or narcotic properties
It is present in a great amount in marijuana but industrial hemp contains optimally minimal amounts of THC. Therefore, Hemp can do a lot, but it can’t get you “high.

Is Industrial Hemp the same as Marijuana?

No. Both industrial hemp and marijuana are varieties of the Cannabis Sativa plant. Both hemp and marijuana come from the same cannabis species, but are genetically distinct and are further distinguished by use, chemical makeup, and cultivation methods. However, industrial hemp is a variety that has low levels of THC (less than 0.3%) and causes no psychoactive behavior in the body while on the other hand, the prime use of marijuana is as a recreational drug but hemp has no such use.

What does Hemp taste like?

Interestingly, every person responds to hemp’s flavor differently. Hemp’s taste is referred to as being “earthy.” It is known to have a taste that is described as piney, nutty, grassy, and bitter.

How is industrial hemp different from marijuana?

Industrial hemp and marijuana, though varieties of the same species of a plant differ on multiple levels.

Chemical Composition: The prime cannabinoid present in hemp is CBD whereas that in marijuana is THC. This is the reason that marijuana causes extreme excitant behavior in the body whereas hemp shows no such effects.

Appearance: Both marijuana and hemp are broad-leafed plants. However, marijuana leaves are skinnier than hemp leaves and have a tight bud. Marijuana grows in a fat bush whereas hemp grows skinnier and taller.

Cultivation Environment: The cultivation environments for industrial hemp and marijuana are contrastingly different. Marijuana needs a carefully-controlled, warm, and humid atmosphere whereas hemp can grow in a relatively freer cultivation environment. Marijuana and hemp plants are never grown together. This is because hemp pollen can considerably dilute the psych activity of marijuana.

Uses: Marijuana is primarily a recreational drug. Hemp, on the other hand, has multiple uses across various industries. Hemp is one of the first plants that made fiber and the hemp fiber industry is a huge industry. Industrial uses of hemp include use in construction as a building material, insulation, biodegradable plastic, and paint, etc. Hemp’s use as a food item is continuously increasing owing to its high nutritional value. Extracts of hemp oil are becoming a famous ingredient in beauty and skincare products.

What are the countries in which industrial hemp is grown?

Typically, industrial hemp grows in the northern hemisphere. Some countries that actively grow it are Australia, Canada, Austria, China, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Finland, Egypt, Great Britain, India, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Korea, New Zealand, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Thailand, Switzerland, Ukraine, and Turkey.

 Does hemp production require pesticide use?

Typically, growing hemp is free of pesticides and any other chemical fertilizer. Industrial hemp is a crop that requires minimal to zero amount of chemicals and can be grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides. Not just this, the multipurpose hemp can also be used in crop rotation to eliminate pesticide effects, soil remediation, weeding fields, and bio-absorption of heavy metals and contaminants. It grows naturally in organic conditions and is healthy in that sense.

What are the benefits of hemp in comparison to other food crops in terms of sustainability?

The cultivation of the hemp plant requires little or no fertilizers and also naturally resists pests. It has deep roots that serve well for the soil. Hemp can grow on the same soil for as many as two decades without depleting it. The plant has natural healing and therapeutic benefits which make it a better food product. Moreover, the water requirement of the plant is also very less as compared to other conventional food crops.

What is hemp seed oil?

Hemp seed oilis harvested and extracted by cold-pressing the seeds of the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa L.) to produce one of the most diverse and nutritionally strong oils available. It is cultivated for non-drug use. Since Hemp seed oil is made from the hemp seed itself, it usually doesn’t contain any THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Hemp seed oil is growing in popularity because it provides a long list of health benefits and nutritional content. The oil is well-known for being nutrient-rich and for its general health benefits and is composed of healthy fatty acids, protein, and carbohydrates.

What are the health benefits of hemp seed oil?

  • Rich in Vitamin E and Antioxidants
  • Boosts Heart Health
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Aids Diabetes Treatment
  • Maintains Healthy Hair & Skin
  • Helps Women during PMS
  • Reduces Arthritis Pain
  • Boosts brain health
  • Boosts Immunity
  • Enhances Digestive Health
  • Mood Enhancer
  • Beneficial to Pregnant Mothers

 What is Hemp milk?

Hemp Milk is a popular plant-based alternative to cow’s milk. It is highly nutritious and loaded with high-quality proteins and healthy fats. In fact, it has more protein and healthy fats than other popular plant-based types of milk, including rice and oat milk.

How is Hemp milk made?

Hemp milk is made by blending water with the seeds of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, and is usually made from whole Hemp seeds. It has an earthy, nutty flavor and a creamy consistency.

What are the benefits of Hemp milk?

Hemp seeds are rich in the plant-based omega-3 fatty acid ALA. So drinking hemp milk may benefit your skin health and protect you against heart disease. Hemp milk is naturally free of soy, lactose, and gluten, making it a good option for people who need or want to avoid these components.

How can hemp be used for food?

Hemp seeds naturally contain all the essential fatty acids and oils along with a high number of proteins and essential minerals. Hemp seeds do not contain any THC and are thus a perfectly safe addition to a diet. They are a powerhouse with amazing nutritional composition.

They are easy to digest and provide the body with all the essential nutrients. They can be eaten raw, blended into smoothies, sprinkled on oatmeal, or even consumed in the form of Hemp milk. As a diet supplement, they reduce the risk of heart disease among other health benefits. 

Does consuming Hemp cause any allergies/side effects in the body?

Chemically, hemp is 100% organic and all-natural which makes it a great food with the least or zero risks for the human body. In fact, because of their nutrients, hemp seed side effects may be positive rather than harmful. The healthy fats in hemp seeds may be helpful in reducing the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation and preventing platelets from becoming too sticky and forming plaques.

But, since we cannot generalize genetics and biology to the core, hemp food can cause some mild allergic reactions in the body, and a potential side effect that may occur especially if you eat them in large amounts is loose stools or diarrhea.
It depends on person to person and if you do face allergic reactions or side effects, it is best advised to consult a doctor.

 What is the nutritional composition of Hemp?

These tiny seeds are packed with protein, healthy fats, fiber, and numerous vitamins and minerals. On average, a 3-tablespoon serving of hemp seeds provides about 10 grams of protein, 15 grams of healthy omega-rich fats, and 3 grams of carbs. Hemp seeds' nutrition profile also includes magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium, and fiber. In addition, they have been identified as a source of various antioxidants, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and flavanols.

In fact, the National Hemp Association touts them as being more nutritious than any other edible plant food grown on earth.

 What kind of fats are found in Hemp?

Most of the calories in hemp seeds come from fat and are mostly unsaturated fat. Hemp seed oil is rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs), fats that you must eat because your body can't make them. These include linoleic acid, which is an omega-6 fatty acid, and alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. Hemp seeds also contain a more rare type of omega-6 fat called gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Because they are high in fat, hemp seeds can also be high in calories. So it must be consumed in the right quantity.

Why is Hemp Protein the best plant-based protein?

With a protein base composed primarily of Edestin and Albumin (the same amino acid that gives eggs their glory), Hemp protein is easily digested (Hemp is rated as a 90% digestibility protein) which is a reason it's ranked above the other kinds. Hemp protein is a natural plant-based product that contains all 20 amino acids including the 9 essential and 2 semi-essential amino acids required for the human body. Hemp protein powder specifically is very high in insoluble fiber, which is very important for the body to eliminate toxins which in return prevent diseases and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Why choose hemp oil over fish oil as a source of Omega?

Hemp oil is more viable since it has the perfect balance of Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid and Omega-6 linoleic acid and is more than 90% unsaturated. No single food has them all, but the hemp seed has all eight amino acids. Hemp seed oil is plant-based, cold-pressed, packaged, and stored appropriately as it does not oxidize or spoil as easily.

Moreover, consuming high levels of oily fish increases the chance of poisoning from pollutants in the ocean, omega-3 supplements affect blood clotting and interfere with drugs that target blood-clotting conditions and is perishable & can spoil very easily due to its unstable nature of highly unsaturated DHA and EPA. Therefore it's safe to say that hemp seed oil is a better and more sustainable option for our health, but also a more sustainable option for the environment.

What are the benefits of Hemp Seed Oil?

Hemp Seed Oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-acne, it acts as a healing ingredient to people with eczema, psoriasis & lichen planus and may improve blood levels of essential fatty acids. It plumps tired, dry skin and rejuvenates the skin, creating a more youthful glow. In addition to moisturizing and soothing the skin, hemp seed oil has anti-aging properties. It provides long-lasting moisture. It’s also calming & soothing on the skin.

How to use Hemp seed oil on your skin?

Hemp Seed Oil can be used in several ways:

It can be applied to your eye to get rid of under-eye bags & wrinkles, make your own body butter.

  • It can be used as a carrier oil in aromatherapy.
  • Post-shower body oil.
  • It can be used as a moisturizer over a cleansed face.
  • Get rid of blackheads and whiteheads: wash the face with water of any preferred temperature. Next, gently massage hemp oil into the affected areas of skin and allow it to dry for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off with water. This can be used for skin rashes, to tighten and decrease the size of pores as well as to cleanse the pores of white and blackheads.
  • As a make-up remover: it can be used as a nourishing cleanser that eliminates impurities, including makeup, without stripping skin of its beneficial natural oils, dip a soft, clean cloth into 1 tsp. of hemp carrier oil, then gently pat it on and rub it into the areas of skin with makeup, including the eye area, ensure the oil does not get into the eyes. after rinsing off the oil, apply a toner and pat the skin dry.

 How can we make cloth from hemp? 

  •  Cultivation
  •  Harvesting
  •  Retting (The process whereby naturally occurring bacteria and fungi, or chemicals, break down the pectin’s that bind the hemp fibers to be released.
  •  Breaking
  •  Scutching (Beating stems, which separates the desired fibers from the hemp’s woody core)
  • Hackling (combing of the stems to remove unwanted particles)
  • Roving (improves strength)
  •  Spinning (can be wet and dry spun)

How can we make paper from Hemp?

Hemp paper like traditional paper needs the pulping of the fibers into a slurry. This is easier to do using hemp hurds. The first step is to separate the pulp from other plant matter. The next step is to soak the refined pulp in clean water and pound it to get a pulp slurry

How can we make biofuel from hemp?

Hemp can be used to make biofuels (the term is given to fuels made from plants), called bioethanol and biodiesel. It can also be used as a fuel in a biomass power plant. Biofuels can be made by using both the fruit and grain of a plant or the fibers of the plants (cellulosic ethanol). Hemp is primarily used to produce cellulosic ethanol.

 Why is hemp better than petroleum?

Hemp is the super-plant that can be processed into biofuel and reduce global greenhouse gas emissions at the same time! Hemp can be processed into two types of fuels: Hemp biodiesel (made from the oil of the pressed hemp seed), and Hemp ethanol/methanol (made from the fermented stalk).

What is the difference between hemp and CBD?

CBD is a Phytocannabinoid which is a component present in the hemp plant. Many of the healing and therapeutic benefits of hemp are because of this component. CBD exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation, antipsychotic properties which have stemmed a lot of scientific studies.

Each hemp extract naturally contains CBD. However, because of the potential of CBD, an entire industry dedicated to CBD-based products has risen. Today in the market we have CBD oils, tinctures, vapes, chewing gums, and other similar products that allow for different and convenient consumption of CBD for various health benefits.

What is the difference between CBD from industrial hemp and marijuana?

CBD comes from both industrial hemp and cannabis. Both products see different regulations. The CBD from cannabis regulates as a cannabis product and only people with a commercial cannabis license can source, produce, and supply it. This CBD is not an approved food additive. Marijuana contains more percentage of THC than it does of CBD and is hence not a great addition to food items.

CBD derived from industrial hemp, on the other hand, is safer to use as a food additive, diet and beauty supplement, and as a medicine.

Does hemp oil contain marijuana?

Typically, no. Marijuana in this question refers to THC (the psychoactive component). Hemp contains less than 0.3% of THC which reduces to an even lower percentage on the extraction of hemp oil. We primarily grow it to make clothing, paper, biofuels, nutritional supplements, cosmetics, bioplastics, biofuels, and foods containing less than 0.3% THC.

Can using hemp oil result in a positive on a THC test?

This is highly unlikely. The THC content in hemp oil is essentially non-existent since hemp oil comes from the plant’s stalks and leaves. However, if you are using a product that contains even a minimal level of THC, it can accumulate in the body over time and may show a positive. This is the reason it is always essential to research the hemp and CBD products you use.

 Is CBD oil the same as hemp oil?

No. The difference between hemp oil and CBD oil can be tricky but it is important to understand. The primary ingredient in hemp oil is hemp stalk oil and not purified CBD oil. Hemp oil does not contain any added CBD or CBD oil.

CBD oil, on the other hand, produces a product that contains optimal levels of CBD.

Do I need a prescription to buy and use hemp oil?

No, purchase and use of hemp oil do not need any prescription. But we recommend that you consult with your health professional before using hemp oil or any other hemp-based product.

How to consume hemp oil?

Hemp oil may or may not be mixed with food. There are no formal limitations as to how long to take it for. Here again, we advise consulting with your healthcare provider. 

Is hemp legal?

This is a question that has no definite answer. The legality of hemp varies from border to border. In some places, it is legal to produce and sell hemp or hemp-based products for industrial or health purposes. To use hemp as food, some put the restriction of the THC content of less than 0.3%. There are different regulations across different regions, states, and countries. We recommend that you thoroughly understand them before buying and/or importing hemp or any hemp-based product.

What are hemp hearts?

Those who frequent the bulk nuts and seeds section of the supermarket might already be familiar with hemp hearts, the edible interiors of the seed that hemp grows from. For those who have yet to come across hemp hearts, however, their reputation shouldn’t be associated with another plant by-product you might immediately be thinking of.

The hemp plant, which is the source of where hemp heart seeds are cultivated from, does share the same plant species as the marijuana plant, known as the Cannabis Sativa L, reports the Huffington Post. But the hemp plant contains nearly undetectable levels of THC as compared to marijuana plants – hemp hearts contain less than 0.3 percent, while traditional marijuana plants can contain levels upward of 10 to 30 percent. You won’t get high eating hemp hearts, nor will you fail a drug test. 

What are the benefits of hemp oil on hair?

Hemp seed oil is said to have many health benefits, among them that it protects hair from damage.
Omega-3, omega-6, and antioxidants for hair
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are considered to be good for hair when taken as an oral supplement. The hemp seed oil has plenty of both.

Is it OK to give CBD oil to dogs?

It’s safe to give your pet CBD meant for human consumption, but with a few instructions -

Don’t give your pets any cannabis oil with more than 0.3% THC (0.2% in Europe)
Use smaller doses than what’s recommended on the bottle
Speak with your vet before giving your animal CBD if they have any underlying health concerns.

How much CBD is in hemp protein powder?

The amount of CBD in hemp will depend on the strain of cannabis as well as where on the plant you are getting the CBD. Different parts of the hemp plant will yield different concentrations of CBD.
Generally, hemp flowers will contain 100-200 mg CBD per gram of flower. This amounts to 10 to 20% CBD.
Hemp seeds will have nearly zero percent CBD.

What is hemp protein powder and what are the benefits?

Hemp Protein Powder is derived from the crushing process of Hemp Seeds from the Hemp Plant and is a great source of premium quality plant-based protein, it also consists of Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3+6, Edestin protein, Calcium, iron, potassium, Vitamins E + B’s, Minerals and dietary fibers.

The benefits are way better than that of Whey protein since it contains the above nutrients which are almost absent in Whey. It helps with:

  • Building lean muscle
  • Aids digestive health
  • Cardioprotective
  • Boots fat metabolism
  • Improves memory and brain function
  • Maintains energy levels
  • Builds immunity
  • Helps muscle repair 

Is it safe for children and pregnant women to consume hemp?

Although Hemp contains numerous nutrients, including folic acid, which could be a nutritious and delicious addition to expectant mothers’ diets as well as for children.
It is recommended to consult a physician before consumption.

How is Hemp a viable option for the environment?

Hemp is a better and more sustainable option for the environment as it helps reduce greenhouse gases and doesn’t disturb the ecosystem. It also doesn’t contain any harmful toxins. It requires little or no fertilizers and also naturally resists pests. It has deep roots that serve well for the soil. Hemp can grow on the same soil for as many as two decades without depleting it.

How is hemp helping the farmers?

We at INDIA HEMP ORGANICS envision a future where our farmers are growing for industries so we can continue seeing smiles. Farmers will stand to benefit from growing hemp and as we empower, educate and uplift them as they are the backbone of the economy and we’re making that vision come true, through the power of HEMP!

Can one cook with Hemp seed oil?

Hemp Seed Oil can be used in baking and light cooking. However, hemp oil has a low flash point, which means it will start to smoke at fairly low temperatures. It's also delicate, and if you cook at too high of temperature such as frying chicken, it may cause the oil to hydrogenate. Hence, it is best used in its raw form, which helps keep its properties intact. However, you can use Hemp Seed Oil in any way that you deem fit.

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