Everything you need to know about Hemp Protein Powder

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In recent times, nutrition is garnering importance as people are more aware and conscious of what they eat.. Several people are striving towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle by working out and are also getting themselves to understand the significance of nutrition. Quality is being given more emphasis over the quantity of food being consumed. However, more often the word PROTEIN has been the talk of the town, wherein we hear the term so much so that we buy protein powders, protein bars, eat natural wholesome foods high in protein.

Do you know why protein is essential for your body?

Well, let us look into all the aspects you need to know about protein, its benefits, and interestingly more about “ HEMP PROTEIN ” which is now recognized by many to be the most nutritious as well as a sustainable form for the environment!

Primarily, we have to understand what protein is and why you should be consuming it!
There are essentially three macronutrients: protein, fats, and carbohydrates which provide calories or energy. The body requires large amounts of macronutrients to sustain life, hence the term “ macro ”.

Protein is a “ building block ” that is used to manufacture nearly every cellular component in our bodies and can literally be found in every living cell in your body. Protein is a macronutrient that is essential to building muscle mass. Research has shown that protein has satiety effects. It is protein that helps to recover after injury and helps to generate muscle. According to experts, it helps the immune system stay strong and also helps you stay full. People who lead an active lifestyle are especially in need of protein to help their bodies keep up.

Simply put: You can’t live without protein!

Why choose plant-based protein over other sources?

Protein is commonly found in several foods such as meat, dairy, lentils, legumes, hemp seeds, green peas, processed soy products, nuts and seeds, tofu, yogurt, peanut butter, eggs, etc.

Now, choosing a plant-based protein is much more desirable in terms of it being easier to digest for humans without the side effects associated with whey protein or even meat which causes bloating and allergies. Hemp is one of the best sources that are easily digestible.

Hemp Protein is the future of protein!

What is HEMP? HEMP (Cannabis sativa), is a highly versatile plant and also called industrial Hemp, a plant of the family Cannabaceae is cultivated for its fiber or its edible seeds. It is an eco-friendly crop, and people eat hemp seeds since they are full of protein and are high in essential fatty acids. They have a rich nutty flavor and are a nutrient-dense addition to dishes. Since the THC level in Hemp is around 0.3 percent it cannot get you high!

Is Hemp a good source of Protein?

Well, the kind of protein in Hemp is fascinating.
Hemp Protein is a COMPLETE PROTEIN! Believe it or not, Hemp is packed full of protein and is one of the best sources of plant-based protein you can get. It is mostly the seeds of the hemp plant which contain protein, however, not the leaves or the flowers.
The seeds are ground up and pressed into a fine powder, which can be used as it is or in combo with other protein sources.

Mainly, there are 45 nutrients that humans cannot live without, and which our bodies cannot manufacture; 21 minerals, 13 vitamins, eight amino acids, and two Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). It contains all eight/nine essential amino acids which is very essential for humans. It has a perfect balance of Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid and Omega-6 linoleic acid and is more than 90% unsaturated.

No single food has them all, but Hemp seed. Hemp protein is high in arginine, an amino acid that keeps blood vessels healthy and can reduce high blood pressure. One study found that the amino acid profile of hemp protein is similar to egg whites and soy, which are both high-quality protein sources.

Nutritional Content: Hemp Seeds/Protein contains anywhere between 32–38 grams of PROTEIN for every 100gms.

Did you know that the nutritional benefits of Hemp Protein are enormous?

  • Hemp Protein Powder is Highly Digestible & Gut friendly: Researchers believe that Hemp is so easy to digest because it contains the proteins Edestin and Albumin, which your body can break down quickly.
  •  Edestin: it is one of the most digestible forms of protein in the world, and Hemp has the highest amount.
  •  Albumin: the same protein which is found in eggs.

The above proteins found in Hemp are highly compatible with the human tract!
Research has shown that up to 98% of protein from hemp seeds is digestible. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry study found that the digestibility of hemp protein is equal to or greater than various other grains, nuts, and seeds. Hemp protein is often talked about on the same level as lentil, which is another fantastic plant-based protein source.

 High Amount of BCAA: Research has shown that branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) support the immune system and aid in exercise recovery, and therefore runners may benefit from incorporating BCAA into their exercise recovery regimen. Interestingly, Hemp has a uniquely high amount of BCAAs compared to other vegetarian protein sources. Based on its BCAA content, hemp milk or hemp protein powder would be a great addition to a post-workout smoothie.

 High source of fiber: Hemp protein powders can contain different amounts of fiber depending on whether they were made from hulled or un-hulled hemp seeds and whether additional fiber was added. Hemp contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, and most of its protein products contain around 10 grams per serving. The soluble fiber in hemp protein is a source of beneficial digestive bacteria that have been shown to help regulate blood sugar. The insoluble fiber assists the body in passing waste through your intestinal tract.

 Contains Polyunsaturated fats: A typical Western diet provides an unbalanced 15:1 ratio of these fats, and has been linked to many chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer due to excessive consumption of meat and dairy. Hemp seeds on the other hand contain an ideal amount of 3:1 ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with the reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowering blood pressure, protecting the nervous system from damage, and contributing to lower systemic inflammation. Omega-6 fatty acids, that are usually considered pro-inflammatory, still have some beneficial functions, as they are involved in skin and hair growth, bone health, brain function, and metabolism.

Since hemp protein powder is less refined than other protein isolates, it contains more fat than most protein powders. This fat content can be good for people who want to add more heart-healthy unsaturated fats to their diet.

 Hemp contains high levels of Vitamins and minerals: Vitamins A, C and E, beta-carotene and are a rich source of plant-based protein, minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium and fiber. These are all found in Hemp protein powder

How to incorporate Hemp Protein Powder into your diet?

Hemp protein powder is one of the cleanest, most whole food sources of protein powder you can use in any of your recipes. Made of only includes raw, whole milled hemp seeds, it retains all of the essential fatty acids found in hemp and contains no other ingredients, such as highly processed fillers.

Hemp protein is also very versatile in the kitchen and can be used in multiple ways. Of course, hemp protein is the best grain-free, gluten-free protein powder for smoothies but doesn’t limit the almighty hemp seed to smoothies alone.

Hemp is one of the best substitutes for flour you can use in a recipe because it will bulk up the dish due to the fiber hemp contains. Hemp is also a dense protein and has a vibrant, nutty flavor.

Grain-Free Cereal
Hemp protein powder for breakfast in a grain-free cereal recipe.

Bake your own muffins using hemp protein powder and some coconut, oats, or almond flour to replace the refined white or wheat flour called for in a recipe.

Raw Energy Bites
Hemp seeds are a common ingredient in raw energy bites, and hemp protein is also another great choice, yet with one extra benefit: it is a better binder than plain hemp seeds are themselves due to the flour-like consistency of hemp protein powder.

Why is Hemp Protein Powder better than other plant-based sources?

Hemp protein powder is an excellent protein choice for those following a plant-based diet. It is higher in most amino acids than rice protein and does not contain the trypsin inhibitors that are common in soy protein powders—compounds that hinder protein digestion in the stomach and small intestine. It has less protein per serving than soy or pea protein powders, which are more highly refined and contain up to 90% protein. Pea protein contains all the amino acids the body needs to get from food but is low in methionine. Methionine is necessary for liver health and different cell functions that are present in Hemp. Other plant proteins, such as pea, soy, and rice, are so refined that they contain very little fiber. Once again, Hemp wins in this category.

What is essential is to keep in mind that plant protein has a lot to offer and does not come with the same consequences as eating animal protein, especially processed meats linked to an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. You can try a variety of plant-based proteins or whey protein and decide for yourself what you like and what you want to avoid.

The recommended dosage for athletes as well as non-athletes:

Ever wondered how much protein is the right amount of protein you should be consuming? Ideally, the amount of protein a person should eat depends on age, sex, and level of physical activity. A safe level of protein ranges from 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight [2.2 lbs.], up to 2 grams of protein per kilogram for very active athletes.

For optimum results, consume a few tablespoons of hemp protein powder within two hours after exercising. If you are an athlete, it is best to consume 5-7 tablespoons. Regular people can consume less than that.

Hemp is the new Vegan superfood:

Hemp protein powder is one of the most reliable forms of protein that are packed with antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and heart-healthy unsaturated fats - all critical components for brain and body health. It may not contain as much protein as Soy or Pea Protein per serving which is highly refined but is definitely a healthier option to pick! When buying hemp protein, make sure to look out for cold-pressed hemp seeds as heat processing may reduce digestibility by up to 10%.

Since a growing number of people are turning toward vegetarian or vegan diets, it is definitely good considering it as an ideal plant-based source. Be this for moral, health, ethical, or environmental reasons, several people are trying to cut down on meat consumption in order to help maintain a healthy planet. So should you!

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