This is a clinical case study that signifies the use of full-spectrum medical cannabis oil in relieving pain in inflammatory disorders. Pain is a symptom, which is a result of aggravated vata dosha. The main reasons for vata aggravation could be improper posture while sitting or sleeping, injury due to trauma, or severe emaciation due to the affliction of diseases.
Case Description:
Age: 42 year-old-male
Height: 5.6 ft
Occupation: Accountant
- History of pain in both shoulder joints
- Upper back and shoulder stiffness
- Mild pain in the right hip that radiates to thighs and feet
- Unable to sit and work for long periods due to pain and stiffness
Further Description:
- History of IBS
- IBS was treated with homeopathic medication and lifestyle changes
- History of kidney stones being treated with ayurvedic medicine
- Raised ESR and CRP levels
- No changes in X-ray results.
Examination Results:
- Appetite - His appetite is irregular with gas occasionally
- Bowels - Once or twice a day
- Sleep - Disturbed
- Urination - Increased frequency.
The following was the treatment prescribed for inflammatory joint disorder in the patient.
- CannaBliss Pain relief 5 % - started by taking 5 drops after breakfast and dinner for 3 days, then the dosage was increased gradually. He took 15 drops twice a day after breakfast and dinner for 90 days.
- Arthritis Relief Oil - for external application, and massage mildly
Diet Changes:
- Avoid all gassy foods like potatoes, tapioca, yam, etc.
- Neck stretch and rotation exercises are to be practiced daily.
- Include boiled vegetables and fruits in your diet
- Drink 3-4 liters of water per day.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol.
- Within 30 days, stiffness in the upper back and shoulder reduced considerably. The pain in the shoulders and hip joint also had reduced.
- Sleep was continuous and not disturbed at night. Bowel movements also improved.
- All symptoms improved in 90 days and he doesn't have to take pain relief medications anymore.
The treatment was decided based on the predominance of vata. Vijaya (Cannabis Sativa) is an anti-inflammatory drug with analgesic properties. It is also known to improve digestive symptoms.
The effect of medical cannabis oil for pain relief can be seen after 60 mins of consuming the medicine. The effect of topical arthritis relief oil could also be seen within 15-30 mins of gentle massage.
Medical cannabis can offer an alternative for people who have chronic pain and rely on medications, such as opioids, that can be habit-forming and cause more side effects.
CBD cannabidiol present in medical cannabis oil interacts with the main component of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) present in the human brain and immune system. It binds with the receptors and thus creates anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects that help with pain management. This means that CBD oil and other products may benefit people with chronic pain